Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 1: Facing Reality

This is my very first blog I have written in my entire 25 years of life so please excuse my lack of "blogger etiquette".  I suppose I should start by introducing myself! My name is Emily and I reside in sunny California.  Past occupations of mine include (in no particular order): lifeguard, swim instructor, black jack/roulette dealer, go go dancer, import/promo model, cookie connoisseur, bank teller, student, cocktail waitress, bartender, receptionist...

While my past occupations are colorful in nature, a real passion of mine includes experimenting with different ways of healthful eating...all really to help fuel my quest in achieving optimal health and a killer physique and I have yet to find a method that is truly satisfying and permanent in nature that delivers the exact results I want AND holds up against the qualms of time.

Now granted, I must reveal that I am definitely no sloth. Exercising is a way of life for me, and keeping busy is almost as essential to me as breathing. But despite my athletic prowness (mostly in part due to a fitness bootcamp class I attend at least 3x per week) and natural athleticism in running and swimming, my weight continues to rise up and down like a yo yo on crack. I am not fat according to American Standards but bikini season is 'round the corner and the thought of donning a two piece is enough to make my hair curl! Which might not be a bad look...anyways...

Like most young twenty-somethings I have my fair share of vices. I too am stuck in the perpetual eat good, exercise good (weekdays) vs. binge eating, drinking (weekends)  except my cycle forces much of my "good" phase to double as the recover phase, which kind of sticks me in this rut I simply cannot crawl out of. And I have had enough!

Now that I am embarking on this new chapter in my life (finishing grad school, turning 25) I am welcoming a new change to my life that will hopefully carry over it's good effects into all the areas of my life, and I'm doing it now while I have this dead period between finishing school and graduating.

I have read much on the subject of food and nutrition and I have stumbled upon a book that was recommended by my former anatomy teacher. I believe this book will be the answer to my quest to optimal health and physique. It's called Eat To Live by Joel Fuhrman, M.D. and it endorses what is called a nutritarian lifestyle, basically a diet that is rich in nutrient dense foods. I invite you to join me on this journey of self-discovery as I write about my day-to-day struggles, discoveries and adventures. This book encourages me to give it a try for at least a solid six weeks but with that I must also temporarily end my love affair with caffeine and alcohol consumption. The latter is something I have been wanting to abstain from for quite awhile now but have never quite had the willpower to abstain for longer than 2 weeks. It's been a week and half so far. Anyways, hope you have fun reading my first entry and I hope you'll come back for more! Please feel free to refer this blog on over to those that may be interested or have similar quests. I would be happy to answer any questions or read any comments you might throw my way! :) Until tomorrow,

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