Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day:#*&#$#*&!! Fuuuuuudge!

Ok, ok so I might have jumped off the Nutritarian band wagon for awhile. 2 weeks to be exact. And I know exactly how it happened! I ran out of the "good nutritious" food that we grocery shopped for and instead of dragging my butt to the store I started to buy food daily from the multitude of restaurants nearby because I was too lazy. Can I help it if grocery shopping is such a production? But, now that I know exactly how it happened, I can definitely work to prevent it in the future!

 My Aunt Linda made me some yummy tofu soup!! Tofu, carrots, corn, dried mushrooms, green beans and some Asian root I forgot the name of. The mushrooms I loved! Since they were dried beforehand they had this really chewy texture to them that reminded me of meat.

To be fair, it hasn't been a total vacation from healthier foods. My overall consumption of meat has been lowered throughout this whole process, and I have been making healthier choices overall, just not to the extent that I have been meaning to. Since the beginning of this week however I have been back on the nutritarian way of eating, and I must say it's nice! I dragged my butt onto the Wii Fit a couple of days ago prepared for the Wii to tell me I'm fat and to demand a reason for my weight gain, yada yada yada but to my pleasant surprise, I've lost! In fact, my weight is lower than it has been in years! Partly I think I have Mario to thank for that. You see whenever he leaves for a long period of time I usually end up losing lbs because, well, he's my fat buddy! If I  were to eat like the way we normally do by myself I feel like, well, a fat kid nom nom nom nom nom! And not to mention I am still not drinking! It's been over a month and a half now and missing it less and less.

Anywhoo, just wanted to write a quick update. I'm really just procrastinating on studying. I plan on trying a few new recipes soon, so I'll write another blog with the recipe. Has anyone tried any of the other recipes I posted yet? I plan on making some banana walnut ice cream now, yum! Check out the recipe in an earlier blog if your interested.

